Category Archives: Photography

Árið er 1845

Reykjavík – 1845

Reykjavík – Franski steindafræðingurinn Alfred Des Cloizeaux tekur fyrstu ljósmyndirnar á Íslandi en hann dvaldi hér sumarið 1845. Myndin hér sýnir Reykjaví Grjótaþorpið og skipalægið. Mikið af ljósmyndum hans úr þessari ferð glötuðust.

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Árið er 1844

Edinburgh – 1844

Elsta þekkta daguerreótýpa af mönnum að drekka bjór. Að sjálfsögðu er hún tekin í Edinborg, Skotlandi.

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Árið er 1843

Constantinople – Panorama

Fyrsta þekkta mynd af Constantinople, seinna Istanbul, löng saga, ekki okkar bisness að spyrja af hverju). Nuruosmaniye moskan fyrir miðju, Ægisif (Hagia Sophia) til hægri. Horft yfir Sæviðarsund (Bospórussund).

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Árið er 1842

Alexandria – Egypt

Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey (héðan í frá JPGP) leggur af stað í ferðalag sitt um miðausturlönd. Daguerreótýpa úr eyðimörkinni við Alexandríu, Egyptalandi.

Svolítið tillitslaust af úlfaldanum að vera ekki kyrr.

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Árið er 1841

Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey.

Nei þetta er ekki Rob Schneider, þetta er Joseph-Philibert Girault de Prangey. Franskur aristókrati, dilettante, amatör fornleifafræðingur, áhugamaður um arkitektúr sem og sögu miðausturlanda, listamaður, teiknari, og brautryðjandi í ljósmyndun.

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Playing with photo restoration

I took a stab at photo restoration and took old damaged photos of my grand father and mother. The images were small and damaged.

My grandfather Helgi

My grandfather Helgi


My grandmother Lilja

My grandmother Lilja

The original images were almost stamp sized. I lost some of the clarity of the original images while working with them but when developed smaller and framed I think the loss will be acceptable. My grandmothers images had some sepia tones in them but I turned the image into black and white to match my grandfathers image. All in all pretty happy with the results but Ill see when they have been printed and framed if I’ll take another stab at them.

Sundar the cat

Sundar 2008

Sundar 2008

What kind of blog would this be if I did not post a photo of our cat. To tell the truth this is not a cat but a small lion. There is not a dog in the neighbourhood that is not afraid of this monster.

My First iPhone, iPhone 5s

So after having lived in the era of the weird experimental phones since mobile phones became accessible to us not filthy rich. Having gone through so many Android phones I bought an iPhone today.

I always liked the iPhone ever since the original was released in 2007. But it was today I finally bought my first Apple phone, iPhone 5s.

Here is the first photo I took with my phone.

Helicopter coming in for a landing
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